Our galaxy milky Way

Milky Way
                             Milky way 
What is Milky way?
Today, we will know many interesting things above our Milky Way (Milky way).  Friends!  Before this, we have followed about many objects (sun, moon and planets) present in space.  But we have never known anything interesting (milky way facts in english) above our galaxy. So, let's start this article with the noun Milky Way itself.
 If I can explain you here in simple language, the bright white colored thing made of stars and dust clouds seen with eyes in the open sky at night time is called Milky Way.Every body and object seen in the sky through your eyes is part of our Milky Way.  If seen from the perspective of science, then our Milky Way is of horoscope and it is one of the trillion galaxies present in the universe.  Friends!  Our galaxy is named Milky Way.  So you will never get confused between Milky Way and Milky Way.

How milky Way galaxy formed?? 
So, let's move forward in this article and know a lot of things about the Milky Way. Friends! Every human in the earth has to know how our Milky Way became. But the more these questions are easy to ask, the more difficult it is to answer. Today, scientists doing research on every space of the world want to know a lot about our universe and our galaxy. But the ironic thing is that the answer to this question has not been fully met yet. Well here, I will put before you the answer that has been justified by most of the scientists.

 Scientists say that our Milky Way is about 13.6 billion years old. Let me tell you more here that after the Big Bang, our Milky Way has been made by the dense clouds of dust coming out of it. Yes! You heard it right. After the Big Bang, the clouds of dust born from it get mixed together and generate a lot of temperature (energy). With this energy, the stars present in our sky Ganges are formed later. Let me tell you more that the process of making these stars is called Nuclear Fusion in the language of science. When many wires are formed from these, then all these wires together form a group. Our galaxy (milky way) is made up of such a cluster of stars.

 So, moving forward in this article based on the interesting facts about the Milky Way, we know a lot of interesting things related to it.


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