Components of food

                 Components of food
There are two type.
1 Organic
2 Inorganic
We discuss about organic food.

Organic food
1 carbohydrates
2 fats
3 protiens
4 Vitamins
Carbohydrates: it is the main source of energy. They are organic compounds of hydrogen,carbon and oxygen.
Source of carbohydrates: rice, wheat, sugar, ginger, bread etc.

Fats: it is composed of carbon hydrogen and oxygen. They have less oxygen in themthan the comparison of carbohydrates. It is also called energy bank. It make the food tasty.
Source of fats: butter, ghee, cheese, meat, cooking oil, nuts etc.

Proteins:it is also called body buildings food. Protiens made up of small and simple units, i.e. amino acids. Muscles organs, antibodies, enzymes, and some hormones are largely composed of protiens.
Source of protiens: eggs, milk, fish, meat, peanuts, oats, rice, whole wheat products, corn products, soyabean products etc.

Vitamins: Vitamins are a group of organic compounds essential for the normal functioning and enzymes activity of the organisms.
Function of vitamins 1: vitamins are necessary for good health and normal growth.
2 vitamins which help enzymes to do their work are called Co-enzymes.
3 vitamins keep our skin and teeth healthy.
4 vitamins are necessary for eyes and growth of bones.
5 vitamins are necessary for proper Utilization of other nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and protiens.
Source of protiens: meat, fish, liver oil, butter, milk, fruitsqnd vegetables etc.


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